Monday 24 February 2014

We heart a chart...

We've been talking about which charts for which data this week, and I found this great chart chooser from A. Abela at The Extreme Presentation Method. May be useful for presentations over the next few weeks...

Monday 24 June 2013

Welcome to Methods of Enquiry

Methods of I write this first blog entry we haven't started teaching the module yet or even know entirely what we will be teaching. As it is the summer we are planning the module while trying not to get distracted by Game of Thrones (Sara) or some spoof video on the internet (Pete).

This blog is meant for YOU, students of Methods of Enquiry across the Bristol Business School, both as you actually do the module in level 2, but also during level 3 and perhaps gathering your own research, or even when you leave the hallowed halls of UWE (ok, the building site) and go and get far more powerful jobs than Pete and I ever dreamed of. Hopefully you'll carry on exploring and understanding the world, and might be interested in the different ways there are of doing that - and want to avoid the pitfalls of bad data, 'dirty' research, and flimsy evidence for business decisions.

So...there is no obligation to follow this blog if you're on the module, and we'll only post when we think we have something interesting to say - but hopefully it'll be interesting to keep up with, or be useful when it comes to writing your proposal, or be a fertile little compost heap of ideas when it comes to planning your final year projects (Sara also gets distracted by gardening while writing this module).

Sara and Pete